No7 Cleansing Brush Review

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Hellooo! <3
How are all of you doing? I didn’t know what I was going to do a blog post about today! After thinking long and hard I thought it would be nice if I did a review on a Skincare product! After all who doesn’t like their skin being clean and free from Blemishes, Spots and dirt!

The product that I am going to be reviewing is the No7 Cleansing Brush which is by Boots. It’s like a much cheaper alternative to the Clarisonic! I’ve had this product for quite some time now so I thought its time I let you guys know how this product is!

No7 Cleansing Brush
Boots describe this product as ‘'This clever cleansing brush gently exfoliates and deeply cleanses the skin, removing more dirt, oil and make-up than manual cleansing alone. Easy and quick to use, discover super clean, soft, radiant and healthier looking skin in less than 60 seconds.'

I totally agree with this and I feel since I have started to use this cleansing brush it has made such a huge difference to my skin! My skin feels so much smoother and I feel that it removes any dead skin and my face gets that good deep cleanse that it deserves. It makes so much of a difference instead of just massaging it in with your fingers.

The actual product is battery powered which I think is fine because you can easily change the batteries. The brush needs to be changed every couple of months and the separate brush refills can be purchased at the Boots store. The actual brush is powered by a simple button and this has 2 settings. One is a more gentle cleanse whilst the other is a deeper cleanse. I don’t recommend you use this product every day but use it every couple of days when you’re in the shower or just anytime during the day! Also if you have very sensitive skin then I don’t recommend this product for you. It also states this information on the packaging as this product isn't ideal for those who have very dry or sensitive skin!
The Cleansing Brush. Good size and fits in to the hand well!
This is where the batteries go in. 2 Batteries come with the brush when you purchase it.
The one button that simply controls the product!
If you’re wondering how to use this product all you simply do is remove any makeup you may have on. You then take a cleanser of your choice. I use the ‘Botanics cleansing foam wash’ which is also by Boots and I think that the product is great and smells lovely too! Oh and it’s cheap and affordable which is always a bonus! I sometimes also use the ‘Soap and Glory peaches and clean deep cleansing milk’ which is also a good product! (I will do a separate review on these products if any of you guys want) But like I mentioned you can use whatever face cleanser you want. You then take some of the product and spread it evenly all over the face. After that you just wet the brush & thereafter switch it on and gently massage your face is circular movements! Do this for about 1 minute only and then wash off with water! Dry your face with a cloth and then… BOBSYOURUNCLE!!  You should instantly feel the difference!! =D

I use the brush in conjunction with the Botanics Foam wash.
I also like to use the Peaches & Clean Cleansing Milk by Soap & Glory occasionally!

I LOVE this product and I use it every couple of days on my face! I think it has made so much of a difference and has helped to reduce any breakouts and blemishes. It makes my skin feel so refreshed after using it and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good product for their skin!  You literally will notice the difference after the first use!

If you’re thinking of purchasing this, this product retails at £24.99. However I did buy this when it was on sale for £15.00. If you don’t want to pay the full price then you can wait for when they have a sale or special deals on like 3 for 2!  Guess what?! They have the 3 for 2 deal going on right now for No7 products so you could definitely check that out! =D Oh one more thing.. This product also comes with a 2 year warranty which is a definite plus!

If any of you awesome lovely readers do try this product out or have ready tried it out let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below!

I hope you enjoyed my review on this product!
Speak to you guys soon! ( Well not literally but you know what I mean!) 
Much Love

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  1. Hi Fatima. Found you on I like your review of No. 7 cleansing brush. I have never used a cleansing brush. I use an exfoliating glove. I have combination skin (dry & oil).

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey thanks for checking my blog out :) I used to use exfoliating gloves to but i find that it didn't give a deep enough cleanse! As you have combination skin I think that the cleansing brush should be okey for you to use as long as your skin isn't to dry then it should be okey! :)


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