AMAZING LIP BALM! Forever Living Aloe Lips!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hey there!!  <3 Hope you are all doing well! Today is just a quick review on a product that you guys MUST know about!

Okay Guys so recently I just discovered a brand called Forever Living! They sell a wide range of products ranging from beauty to skincare to weight loss. The company is well known for using Aloe from the Aloe Vera plant. Aloe Vera is full of vitamins and minerals and is a natural way to ensure health from the inside out. Aloe Vera plant has been used for many years and is well known for its cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

I've started using their products and the first thing I tried is the Forever Living Aloe Lips Lip balm! It is formulated with Aloe Vera Gel, Jojoba, Beeswax and other good stuff to help protect and sooth your lips! I don’t even know what to say! I have tried and used many lip balm in the past and I can honestly say that this is like the best lip balm I have used by far!! The amount of moisturisation this provides on my lips is crazy! It stays on for a good couple of hours and is unlike other lip balms which would only last on for an hour or so. 
Forever Living  Aloe Lips Lip balm.

When I first applied this on to my lips I could literally feel the difference! It felt so smooth on my lips and it’s just an all round great product! Oh & I LOVE the scent of this lip balm! I don’t know how to describe it but it smells awesome: D Now who doesn't like a lip balm that has an amazing smell and is made using nearly all natural ingredients! Because of the Aloe and other ingredients in this tiny tube this product can be used across the whole body! Believe it or not it’s true!! So it’s like a mini first aid but in a stick! This can also be used on cuts, insect bites and stings too!

The actual lip balm is clear and like I mentioned it smells amazing!
Ingredients of the Lip balm!
If you’re someone who has dry or chapped lips then I think this product would be a life saver for you! Or if you just love lip balms and lip products or you just want to carry it around just in case you ever need a mini first aid then you can’t miss out your chance in trying this all in one amazing product!

Once the Lip balm is applied. It leaves a nice smooth finish with a little shine!

If your reading this then I definitely recommend you to try this product because am sure you’ll love it and if you don’t then guess what?! Forever Living has a 60 day complete money back guarantee on all their products so if you are not satisfied or happy with this product then you can still get your money back! :D

I have been loving this brand and can not wait to try more of their products! If you are interested in purchasing one of these lip balms or just want to browse through the forever living range of products then I will leave a link down below so you can go check that out.
You could also email me at if you are interested in ordering this lip balm!

I hope you enjoyed reading the review on this amazing product! Sorry I have been busy lately so haven’t been uploading as much but hopefully I will be able to start posting more soon! (=
Anyway, I’ll Talk to you guys soon!
Much Love


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