Everyday Makeup Routine!
Friday, August 21, 2015
So today's post is something different to my usual posts! In the past friends and people who enjoy reading my blog have told me I should make videos & all the other crazy stuff that comes with the package. The idea of it sounds pretty amazing because I my self love watching videos and youtubers. However, me being in front of a camera talking isn't that bad but maybe just putting it online I just wasn't to sure with yet. Anyways I finally did decide to film a quick everyday makeup routine video for you guys ! You guys wanted a video... So now you have one ;) I hope you enjoy it :D
Remember this is only my first video so won't be perfect but would love to know your feedback and opinions :D Products used in the videos will be mentioned underneath.
Oh and just to put it out there I am no makeup artist or anything this is just the way I prefer it or like to do it .
Okay I think I'll stop rambling and just let you click that 'play' button ;)
Love you guys <3 xx
Products Used
B.prepared illuminating primer
L'oreal Nude Magique Eau De Teint shade 150 (Beige) Foundation
Garnier Pure Active concealer
Pro concealer in Pure Beige
NYC black eyeliner
Natural collection Lash Build mascara in Black
Rimmel Translucent Powder
Soap & Glory lipstick in Guavarama
Fuscia Lipgloss by Essence