Would You Rather? ( Beauty Addition)
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Hey guys! Okay so I know I haven't done a blog post in AGES!! :O I have been really busy so I am really sorry about that!
So today am just doing a quick Beauty Tag Post! I was kindly tagged by the lovely Lauren from Beauty May! <3
1. Would you rather lose all your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks and lip glosses or lose all of your palettes and eye shadows?
Ooh... I think I'd have to say I would rather loose all of my palettes and eye shadows just because I only wear eye shadow now and again but I wear eyeliner, lipsticks and the other stuff a lot more! Oh & I LOVE lipstick! It's one thing I can't go out without!!
2. Would you rather chop off all of your hair or never be able to cut it ever again?
Hmm.. I think i would say chop all my hair off.. only because i wear a headscarf so to me it doesn't really matter and also my hair grows pretty fast so that's a good thing I suppose :D
3. Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?
There both so pretty colours! But I think I would go for pink because it goes with my skin tone better and I think it would compliment anyone's skin tone :)
4. If you have £1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?
OMG... Nooo that's a hard one! I love both clothes and makeup <3 can't I just say I would spend about half on each?!
OMG... Nooo that's a hard one! I love both clothes and makeup <3 can't I just say I would spend about half on each?!
5. Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?
Say what?!? Oh my... Imagine using a lipstick as an eyeliner! Gosh that would be super weird and just come out messy.. So I say I would apply an eyeliner as a lipstick!!
6. Would you rather only shop in Boots/sephora or only shop in MAC?
I would definitely only shop in Boots. Boots have so many different brands ranging from low to high end products so there is something for everyone! Not only that, Boots have tons of different brands & I love trying things from different brands! Whereas MAC is more high end and you can't explore with other makeup brands as you would be able to in Boots!
7. Would you rather only use one eyeshadow colour or one lip colour for the rest of your life?
So by now you have probably figured I love my lipsticks! So If I had to pick I would rather use only one eyeshadow colour for the rest of my life!!
8. Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer, or summer clothes in winter?
I would rather wear summer clothes in winter! Why? because with summer clothes you can layer things under or over the top to suit your style but if you wore winter clothes in the summer could you imagine how hot you would be feeling?!? Well.. It actually depends where you live because in the U.K summer isn't always as you imagine it to be!!
9. Would you rather have bright nails or dark nails all year round?
Ahh... I find this one tough :( but I think I would go for Dark nails! I don't like having bright nail polishes but if it was pastel colours then yeah I would go for them too!
10. Would you rather give up your favorite lip colour or favorite eye colour?
You probably would have figured by now.. Most likely going to be favorite eye colour!
11. Would you rather only wear your hair in a ponytail or messy bun?
Well, I wear a headscarf so for me it's not much of a problem.. But I would say in a messy bun I think just because your hair is completely out of the way and still cute and casual at the same time <3
So there you are.. Thats the questions and my answers!
The bloggers I tag to do are...
Zoey Beagley
If your tagged then you know what to do! If you haven't been tagged but want to have a go then I tag you to do it too! Hope you guys enjoyed this tag post and hopefully i'll be posting again SOON! <3
Much Love