20 Facts About Me <3
Friday, May 29, 2015
What better way to get to know me then through the
20 facts about me tag! I realised that since I've started blogging I never
really introduced and let you guys get to know me properly. I did do this tag
on Instagram a while back now, but I have included different facts! Anyway I’ll
stop talking and let's begin J
1) My family mean everything to me
& I love them loads!❤️
2) I am the youngest from all my
3) I have to nap during the day! Yup I
don't know what I've done with my routine but I can't go the day without a
short nap. :O
4) I love biscuits! Damn they are just
so good !
5) I love ANYTHING rose gold ❤️
6) I'm more of a spender then a saver!
I find it so difficult to save my money because I just love shopping and buying
stuff! It’s so hard
to resist :’(
7) Whenever I'm stressed or just don't
feel to good then retail therapy may just do the job ;)
8) I LOVEE Cats & kittens! Ahh
they are so adorable! Well most of them anyway! I actually used to own a cat
and 3 kittens & I miss them loads :'(
9) I am one very indecisive person L
10) I love doodling but I can’t draw
to save my life!
11) I love having cute
12) I have a few memory boxes which I
keep small things in or just memories of things which I can look back on and
remember :') #goodtimes
13) When I was younger, I broke my
nose :’(
14) I hate spiders and other creepy crawlies.
They give me the heebie jeebies!
15) I wear the colour black WAYY too
much. I seriously need to explore with colours more.
16) I could probably spend hours
watching youtubers!
17) I am currently doing a childcare
course at college.
18) I love meeting new people and
making new friends!☺ Although it's
always a bit scary at first!
19) I really want to go on holiday
because I haven't been on a proper one in year’s L
& finally
20) I am so grateful for all the
support I have got with my blog & to every person who reads,comments or
follows me on my social media accounts thankyouu so much! Your amazing support
has got me to where I am today. ❤
So there you have it! Hope you guys
enjoyed reading that and learnt something about me from there! I would love to
know something about you so feel free to leave it in the comments below 😘
Hopefully speak to you guys soon
Lotsa love