Quick Update!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Hello there girls!
It feels like I
haven’t uploaded a new blog post in ages..!! Well maybe that’s kuz I haven’t!
I don’t really
have anything specific that I want to talk to you guys about! It’s just a quick
update really! I hope you are all well! How are your summer holidays been
going? If you’re fasting like me I hope your ramadhaan has been going well!
I’ve currently
been quite busy as I've been doing some volunteering work and helping to raise money for charity. Me and a couple of my amazing lovely friends decided to help
out and we have great fun everyday! We have a chance to talk, enjoy ourselves
and at the same time raise money for charity! It’s great because I don’t
usually get to see these girls everyday!
All the money that we will raise will be donated towards helping Palestine , Syria
& Bosnia .
Palestine is a
place which is in need of money right now! Some of the things that I have been
hearing have been atrocious! Israel ’s
are throwing bombs in Gaza
and millions of innocent people are seeing their loved ones die in front of
their eyes! Have they never stopped for a second to think how it would feel if
someone they loved was gone in a split second in front of their own eyes! It’s
sad to see all this happening and one of the worst things is that most of these
well known people with a high status are supporting Israel ! No wonder they are able to
afford all these weapons! Media are very quick to show support for Israel but they seem to lack in showing the
truths behind what is actually happening in Gaza and the fact that people are scraping
through everyday hoping to survive and get some food! I hope that this charity
event is a success and the money raised helps and benefits those children and
people who are in need of money more then us.
Us young people,
have been lucky enough and been brought up in a society where everything is
given to us and it all just seems like its ‘normal’. We are able to wake up
everyday knowing that there is going to be food to eat when we go downstairs
and even the fact that we have access to clean water coming through the tap in the
comfort of our own homes! Others suffer around the world and have to travel
miles in order to get clean water. My point from this is that we should be grateful for all the little
things we have in life because it is easy to get so caught up in today’s
society that we forget that we are privileged enough to have all these amazing
Someone once told
me ‘Never look at people who are able to afford things you can’t and say ‘I
wish I could be like them and buy this or that’ instead look below you because
someone out there would love to be living your life right now!’ This just goes
to show how much we should appreciate everything in life!
So whenever you
have some change or a couple of pounds donate it to a good cause because those
few pennies or pounds could make a huge difference, maybe not to your life but
to someone else.
Sorry this ‘quick
update’ turned in to a long talk and if you felt like I ranted on in this blog post.. I just want you to know that to me this is an important topic and something that people need to pay attention to! I hope that you have benefited from this post in some way and I hope that you can now see and have a small image of the billions of things people in Palestine are going through!!
Anyways, I will write again soon and maybe my next post will be a fashion post hopefully! So be on a look out for that!
Let me
know in the comments below how your summer holidays have been and also what you
think of all the difficulties and problems that is happening in Palestine right now!
Much Love
Wow Fatima an absaloutly amazing blog really informing and engaging jus like your other blogs. Summer holidays are going okay jus busy with ramadhan. I really agree with what your saying on gratitude because we really are bestowed with so much but we don't take time out to thank Allah for everything we have because there's people out there that have so much more less than us yet were forever compalining .. The things in Palestine is a real eye opener because we see how lucky we are.. Also not only do we feel sad we shud also raise our hands before Allah to make dua for our own brothers and sisters. Keep up the great work really loving your blogs and can't wait to read the next one gottta admit your beauty blogs are so persuading actually makes me want to go buy the products aha but well done have a good Ramadan/summer lots of love tazz xo
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely comment!<3 Yup we lack in thanking Allah for all the amazing blessings we have! All we can do is do charity events in order to help raise money for places like this and most importantly remember these people who are struggling to live everyday in our duas! <3 Aww am so glad to hear that you are enjoying my blogs :D Will be uploading more blogs soon inshallah! <3 Thanks once again and I hope your ramadhaan is going well!
DeleteFatima xo
Fatima your blogs are soo good! Like i dont like reading but i always find myself reading your blogs ( which you need to make more of!) this topic about palestine and gaza is always a sensitive topic for most of us and just shows how blessed we are as individuals and how much we take for granted! Also shows that whatever religion we are from we should always keep those that are being oppressed in our prayers as we are lucky to even get our hands on basic necessities which we do not cherish as much as they would! Ma sha allah your such an inspiring person and i hope to read more blogs! And can you make a blog on your ootd please hun x
ReplyDeleteAwww <3 That makes me so happy to hear that you enjoy reading my blogs especially knowing that you don't like reading much! I will definitely make more blogs:D Yep that is so true! We are so used to seeing these small blessings in front of our eyes that we tend to forget that we should be thankful for them! Aww :') Thankyou so much for the awesome crazy support and glad that I am an inspiration to you in some way! <3 Yes of course! I definitely will do an OOTD post soon so be on a look out for that!